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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Sparking the Online Teaching and Learning Revolution: From OpenCourseWare to Coursera, Mooc, FutureLearn, and TeachersdopayTeachers

Teachersdopayteachers blog is part of the online learning revolution and champions the effort to unlock knowledge and empower minds everywhere.

TeachersdopayTeachers wants to create educational opportunities where they do not exist. Teacher-authors know that it is critical to the online learning revolution.

If you have been in the educational field, you will run into many things. You will run into teachers who refuse to cooperate and share info. You will find teachers who are very willing to help a fellow teacher. Unfortunately, there are some teachers who like receiving tips and resources without thinking about helping newbies. Over the years, they have amassed so many resources from so many different sources that they have figured out they belong to them. With the revolution of sharing and selling online, they manage to sell some of those resources. They never care about giving credits to whom credits are due. On many online shops including TPT, the works of other teachers are repackaged and sold as new ones. The worst thing that happened is for a so-called publisher or online publishing company such as PublishAmerica to have the books of fellow writers re-published to benefit some individuals. Unfortunately, that kind of behaviors continues to happen up to this day.

Teachers as Entrepreneurs / Teacher-Entrepreneurs / Teacher-Creators

They are teachers who will create cute and valuable content to benefit their students. They are more involved in teaching the kids than selling stuff online. Yes, the money is great, but the question to ask is whether the students are learning. Teacher-creators or teacher-entrepreneurs should be careful and pay attention to where their creation or innovation takes place. Also, if they are creating resources on school district property, then those resources may belong to the district. There is nothing wrong about working at home after leaving the classroom environment. They need to make sure that they use their own tools, computers or laptops. Teacher-entrepreneurs have to be careful with copyright infringement when taking clipart, ideas, and words that are not theirs and sell them without permission. A gift is not a product that you have to sell. The teachers who shared their work or resource with you did not allow you to sell them.

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